Monday 25 January 2021

Passive Voice


Assalamu'alaikum wr wb. Good morning everyone.

Hari ini kita akan mempraktekkan menulis kalimat pasif/Passive voice yang sudah kita pelajari pada pertemuan sebelumnya ya? 

Saya coba mengingatkan kembali pelajaran tentang passive voice. 

  • [Active Voice] She read a book in the library. (Dia membaca buku di perpustakaan)
  • [Passive Voice] The book is read by her in the library. (Buku dibaca olehnya di perpustakaan)
  • [Active Voice] My parents buy a new car this morning. (Orang tuaku membeli mobil baru pagi ini)
  • [Passive Voice] The new car is bought by my parents this morning. (Mobil baru dibeli orang tuaku pagi ini)
  • [Active Voice] Gembul eat fried rice in the moring. (Gembul makan nasi goreng pagi ini)
  • [Passive Voice] Fried rice is ate by gembul in the morning. (Nasi goreng dimakan Gembul pagi ini)
  • [Active Voice] I ride a bike when she run next to me. (Aku mengendarai sepeda saat dia berlari di sebelahku)
  • [Passive Voice] The bike is rode by me when she run next to me. (Sepeda dikendarai olehku saat dia berlari di sebelahku)
A. Translate the sentences of passive voice into Indonesian. (Terjemahakan kalimat pasif berikut ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia)
1. His computer was stolen.
2. My room is cleaned by me every day.
3. The ball is kicked by her very hard.
4. My mother was called by me last night.
5. Two hamburgers were eaten by her at a time.

B. Ubahlah kalimat aktif berikut menjadi kalimat pasif:
1. Mrs. Rina speaks English everyday.
2. Agus is writing a book.
3. They play football every afternoon.
4. Cinderella cleaned the house diligently.
5. I am listening to music in my bedroom.

Diambil dari berbagai sumber.

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