Friday 26 March 2021

Materi: Preposition/Kata Depan

 Assalamu'alaikum wr wb

Good morning. Selamat pagi semua. Hari ini kita akan belajar tentang preposition. Apa itu preposition? Preposition/kata depan adalah kata yang menempel pada kata benda (noun), kata tempat

Beberapa kata depan/preposition:

1. in = di dalam/di

2. on = di atas/menggantung

3. at = pada (spesifik)

4. beside = di samping

5. behind = di belakang

6. in front of = di depan

7. between = di antara (dua hal))

8. among (di antara (banyak))

9. below = di bawah

10. above = di atas

11. near = dekat

12. far = jauh

Look at the picture below. Lihat gambar berikut untuk memahami jenis preposition di atas ya?


Bagaimana? Sudah lebih paham ya. Sekarang lihat contoh kalimat-kalimat yang menggunakan prepostion.

1. The clock is on the wall.

2. The books are in the bag.

3. Andi sits between  Tomi and Dina.

4. Tiara sits behind Doni.

5. The school is beside the mosque.

Now please make 5 sentences using preposition above. Submit your assignment to your teacher. thank you very much. Have a nice day.


  1. 1. Jamnya ada di dinding.

    2. Buku-buku itu ada di dalam tas.

    3. Andi duduk di antara Tomi dan Dina.

    4. Tiara duduk di belakang Doni.

    5. Sekolah itu berada di samping masjid.
    Muhammad Syafiq kelas VIIA absen 23

  2. Nama:Nabila nurhidayati
    Absen :24
    Tolong ambilkan dompet saya di atas kasur

  3. Nama:Nabila nurhidayati
    Absen :24
    Tolong ambilkan dompet saya di atas kasur

  4. Nama:Najmi alnaturrohmah
    Saudara perpuan saya meletakan telepon di atas meja

  5. Nama:Najmi alnaturrohmah
    Saudara perpuan saya meletakan telepon di atas meja

  6. Nama:Najmi alnaturrohmah
    Saudara perpuan saya meletakan telepon di atas meja

  7. Eilen salvia Salsabila26 March 2021 at 09:01

    Name: Eilen salvia Salsabila
    Class : 7a
    No : 9

    1. The book is on the table
    ▸ ( Buku itu ada di atas meja )

    2. The clothes are in the cupboard
    ▸ ( Baju itu ada di dalam lemari )

    3. The car is parked between 2 trucks
    ▸ ( Mobil itu parkir diantara 2 truk )

    4. Safa lined up behind Tina
    ▸ ( Safa berbaris di belakang Tina )

    5. Nisa sat beside Rara
    ▸ ( Nisa duduk di samping Rara )

  8. Di atas meja ada sebuah telepon genggam Nana

    MAULIDIA SALSABELA. Kelas 7A. Absen 20

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Name : Fatih Dzikra Maulida
    Class : 7a
    Attendance number : 12


    • My cat likes eating under the table
    • My house is between the bakery and the barber shop
    • I put the book on the table
    • The book lost under the table
    • I put the clothes in the wardrobe

  11. 1. My phone is on the table
    2. The dirty clothes are in the washing machine
    3. My bookshelf is between the cupboard and the bed
    4. My racket is in the back of the cupboard
    5. My photo is beside the bedroom window

    Nama : Dailatun Nurul Asyfiya
    No. Absen : 8
    Kelas : 7A

  12. 1. on the table is nana's cell phone.
    2. below the table has Tomi's marbles.
    3. beside that house is nana's house.
    4. in Nana's house there is a cat.
    5. nana sat in front of tomi.

    Kelas : 7A
    Absen : 20

  13. 1.I prefer the blue one over this

    2.I’ll visit my grandmother over the summer vacation

    3.She will drive through the tunnel

    4.Don’t fell off your bike

    5.The birds on the tree

    ��Syafiq Naufal Amani
    ��Kelas 7a
    ��Absen 33

  14. -Tina sat behind Suci
    (Tina duduk di belakang Suci)

    -The item is in the box
    (Barang itu ada di dalam Kardus)

    -Isna Walks Between Siti and Anggi
    (Isna Berjalan di Antara Siti dan Anggi)

    -The phone is on the table
    (Telepon itu ada di atas Meja)

    -The mosque is far from the school
    (Masjid itu jauh dari Sekolah)

    Name= Rochmi Isnaeni
    Class= 7A

  15. Fasha nur ramadani26 March 2021 at 09:49

    Nama:fasha ramadani


    •saudara perempuan saya meletakkan teleponya diatas meja
    •kakek tinggal di desa
    •jembatan ini di bangun oleh pemerintah
    •nina duduk di antara lani dan beni
    •di samping rumahku ada mushola

  16. Akhmad SOBRI isti danto

    1.lukisan ada di dinding
    2.bajuku ada di dalam lemari
    3.isti duduk diantara Doni dan Dani
    4.doni duduk di belakang sandi
    5.di samping rumahku ada halaman


  17. Nama: Almaidah
    No absen:3
    - di dalam tas ada buku
    - di samping rumahku ada pohon jambu dan pisang
    - Edo duduk diantara lani dan dayu

  18. name: fasha nur ramadani
    class: 7A
    no.absn: 11


    • my sister put her phone on the table
    • Grandpa lives in the village
    • This bridge was built by the government
    • nina sits between lani and beni
    • Next to my house is a prayer room

  19. Nama: jeni Riska Indriani
    Kelas: 7a
    No absen: 17

    -Anto duduk dekat Ninda
    (Anto sat near Ninda)
    - saya menaruh buku di dalam lemari
    ( I put the book in the cupboard)
    - Doni menaruh piring di atas meja
    ( Doni put the plate on the table)
    - Beni sedang berkebun di belakang rumah
    ( Beni is gardening behind the huose)
    - Resti sedang duduk di depan Rumah
    ( Resti was sitting in front of the house)

  20. Replies
    1. Nama:Gandra Aji Suta

      1. The book is on the table
      ▸ ( Buku itu ada di atas meja )

      2. The clothes are in the cupboard
      ▸ ( Baju itu ada di dalam lemari )

      3. The car is parked between 2 trucks
      ▸ ( Mobil itu parkir diantara 2 truk )

      4. Safa lined up behind Tina
      ▸ ( Safa berbaris di belakang Tina )

      5. Nisa sat beside Rara
      ▸ ( Nisa duduk di samping Rara )

  21. Triandi Prayugo27 March 2021 at 20:49

    Name : Triandi Prayugo
    Number : 34
    Class : 7A

    1. I put my bag on the chair
    2. Let's meet at the canteen
    3. There is one impostor among us
    4. They fight in front of teachers
    5. MTs N 1 Purbalingga is far from my house

  22. Name: Salma Nihal Zainurrohmi
    1.The pencil is on the table.
    2.The clothes are in the cupboard.
    3.Kinara situs between Aliya and Siti.
    4.Naila sita behind Yuli.
    5.The post office is beside the market.


General Vocabulary Quiz: Uji Kemampuan Kosakatamu!

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