Tuesday 24 September 2024

MGMP Bahasa Inggris: Pemanfaatan AI dalam Pembelajaran

 Pelatihan Penulisan Karya Tulis Ilmiah

Oleh Eka Novianti, M.Pd

Tujuan Pelatihan :

1. memahami pentingnya AI

Efficiently and Productivity

Improved data analyisis


Solving complex problems menganalisisis perubahan iklim, kemiskinan

2. Jenis-jenis

Contoh penggunaan Gemini untuk 

Tentu, saya bantu buatkan lesson plan dan LKPD untuk materi simple past tense. Berikut contohnya:

Lesson Plan: Simple Past Tense


 * Siswa dapat membentuk kalimat dalam simple past tense.

 * Siswa dapat menggunakan simple past tense untuk menceritakan peristiwa di masa lalu.


 * Pengertian simple past tense.

 * Penggunaan kata kerja dalam simple past tense (regular dan irregular verbs).

 * Struktur kalimat simple past tense (affirmative, negative, interrogative).


 * Penjelasan singkat tentang simple past tense.

 * Contoh-contoh kalimat dalam simple past tense.

 * Latihan soal (individu dan kelompok) menggunakan LKPD.

 * Diskusi kelas.


 * Whiteboard/papan tulis

 * Spidol


 * Kartu kata kerja (regular dan irregular)


 * Apersepsi: Guru mengajukan pertanyaan tentang kegiatan yang dilakukan siswa kemarin.

 * Penyampaian materi: Guru menjelaskan pengertian simple past tense, penggunaan kata kerja, dan struktur kalimat.

 * Pemberian contoh: Guru memberikan contoh kalimat dalam simple past tense yang bervariasi.

 * Pemberian tugas: Siswa mengerjakan LKPD secara individu atau berkelompok.

 * Diskusi: Guru memfasilitasi diskusi kelas untuk membahas jawaban LKPD.

 * Penutup: Guru memberikan kesimpulan dan mengingatkan kembali materi yang telah dipelajari.

LKPD: Simple Past Tense


 * Lengkapilah kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini dengan bentuk simple past tense dari kata kerja dalam kurung!

 * Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut dengan kalimat lengkap dalam simple past tense!

Contoh Kalimat:

 * I (go) to school yesterday.

 * She (eat) an apple for breakfast.


 * What did you do last weekend?

 * Where did you go on vacation?

 * Who did you meet yesterday?


 * Untuk siswa yang lebih maju: Guru dapat memberikan tugas membuat cerita pendek menggunakan simple past tense.

 * Untuk siswa yang kesulitan: Guru dapat memberikan bantuan tambahan berupa petunjuk atau contoh kalimat yang lebih sederhana.


 * LKPD ini dapat disesuaikan dengan tingkat kemampuan siswa.

 * Guru dapat menambahkan variasi soal, seperti mengurutkan kata menjadi kalimat atau melengkapi dialog.

 * Gunakan gambar atau video untuk memperjelas materi.


 * Buat suasana belajar yang menyenangkan.

 * Libatkan siswa secara aktif dalam kegiatan belajar.

 * Berikan umpan balik yang positif kepada siswa.

# Live Quiz: Simple Present Tense for Class 9

Permanfaatan magickpen.com (AI Magickpen) untuk pembuatan kuis

## Quiz Instructions

- Read each question carefully.

- Choose the correct answer from the options provided.

- After answering, refer to the explanation to deepen your understanding of the simple present tense.

### Question 1

**Which of the following sentences is in the simple present tense?**

A) She will go to the market.  

B) He plays soccer every Saturday.  

C) They were watching a movie.  

D) I am studying for my exams.

**Correct Answer:** B) He plays soccer every Saturday.  

**Explanation:** The simple present tense is used to describe habitual actions or routines. In this case, "plays" indicates a recurring action that happens every Saturday.


### Question 2

**Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence: "My brother _______ (to like) chocolate."**

A) like  

B) likes  

C) liking  

D) liked

**Correct Answer:** B) likes  

**Explanation:** In the simple present tense, the third-person singular (he, she, it) requires an "s" at the end of the verb. Therefore, "like" becomes "likes" when referring to "my brother."


### Question 3

**Which of the following sentences correctly uses the simple present tense?**

A) They goes to school every day.  

B) She don't like coffee.  

C) I eat breakfast at 7 AM.  

D) He is reading a book.

**Correct Answer:** C) I eat breakfast at 7 AM.  

**Explanation:** This sentence correctly uses the simple present tense to express a routine or habitual action. The other options contain errors related to subject-verb agreement and the use of negative forms.


### Question 4

**What is the negative form of the sentence: "He plays the guitar"?**

A) He don't play the guitar.  

B) He does not plays the guitar.  

C) He does not play the guitar.  

D) He not plays the guitar.

**Correct Answer:** C) He does not play the guitar.  

**Explanation:** The correct negative form in the simple present tense for third-person singular subjects (he, she, it) uses "does not" (or "doesn't") followed by the base form of the verb. Hence, "play" remains unchanged.


### Question 5

**Identify the error in this sentence: "She go to the gym every day."**

A) "She" is incorrect.  

B) "go" should be "goes."  

C) "to" is incorrect.  

D) "every day" should be "everyday."

**Correct Answer:** B) "go" should be "goes."  

**Explanation:** In the simple present tense, the verb must agree with the subject. For the third-person singular "she," the correct form is "goes" instead of "go."


### Question 6

**Choose the correct sentence that uses the simple present tense to express a general truth.**

A) The sun rises in the east.  

B) She is going to the store.  

C) They were happy yesterday.  

D) I will finish my

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