Wednesday 15 March 2017

Soal UTS Kelas 8

Mata Pelajaran     : Bahasa Inggris                                    Hari/Tanggal         
Kelas                   : VIII (Delapan) ........                          Waktu                    :
Nama                   : ................................................          No. Absen             : ................

1   1. Complete the sentences below by choosing appropriate comparison degree in the brackets! 
a           a. Jim is ….  than Ari, but Bambang is the tallest. (tall/taller)          
            b. It was the ….  building I had ever seen. (big/biggest)
  1. Janet is ……. than Linda, but Shiren is the most beautiful. (beautiful/ more beautiful)
  2. Mathematics is the ……. subject in this semester. (more difficult/ most difficult)
  3. I think Ragunan zoo is as…… as the Safari Park. Both of them have many good   things to see. (interesting/more interesting)

2.      Complete the sentences below by reading the situation given.
a.       Heni is 165 cm tall. Susi is 158 centimeters tall. Ita is 150 centimeters tall. Heni is …….than Susi. Ita is the …. of all.
b.      According to my sister, a big bus is  …… than a small bus. A mini bus is ……….. than micro bus. So a big bus is the most comfortable of all.

3.      Look at the following picture. Make sentences using comparison degree is appropriate to the picture.
        a.   (Doni )    (Anton)          b. (Heri)     (Eko)           c. (Ani’s hair) (Donita’s hair)

4.      Match the description below with the picture given!
      a. It eats grass and it can produce milk. (……………………) 
      b.      It is a wild animal and it is a great hunter. (…………………..) 
      c.       It has long ears, a short tail. It eats grass and it can get scared easily. (……………………) 
      d.      It has long ears and it likes to eat carrots. (…………………….)

5.      Complete the paragraph with the suitable word below!
-  painted           - fresh        - clean        - rooms            - vegetables             
Our house is a place where we stay and have our daily activities Our house is large and …(a). It is beautiful, too. My house has brick wall. It is …(b) light brown. The door and windows are brown. The house has some …(c). They are: a living room, 3 bedrooms, a kitchen, a bedroom, and a garage. The garden is beside the house. There are also many other trees and plants in the garden. They are fruit trees and … (d), such as oranges, mangos, bananas, beans and spinach. At the front yard, there are flower plants and mango trees. The plants make our home …(e) and beautiful.

Read the text below and answer questions no. 6 to 9.
I’m Proud of Indonesia
Indonesia is a big country. It is between two continents, Asia and Austria, and between two oceans, the Pasific ocean and the Indian Ocean. It is the largest archipelago in the world. There are more than 17 thousand islands in Indonesia.
We have a lot of islands. The big ones are Papua, Kalimantan, Sumatera, Sulawesi and Java. Of the five islands, Java is the smallest, but it is the most populated one. We can find people from around Indonesia. Indonesia also has many mountains. Many of them are still active and can erupt any time. We call them volcanoes, like Sinabung and Marapi in Sumatera, Merapi in Java, and Lokon in South Sulawesi. When they erupt they bring out very hot lava from inside the earth.

6.      What does the text tell you about?
7.      It is between two continents, Asia and Austria, and between two.”
The underlined word refers to … .
8.      “It is the largest archipelago in the world.”
The synonym of underlined word is …
9.      How many volcanoes are stated in the text? Mention them!

10.  Translate the sentences below into Indonesian!
a.       Dina runs as fast as Renita.
b.      The novel is more interesting than the film.

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