Tuesday 8 March 2022

Kumpulan materi dan latihan soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Gambar: alamy.com

Need exercises for understanding materials in class 9? Let's check the material and do the exercises here. 

Materi Kelas 9 Semester 1

Materi Semester 2

2. Narrative text

Materi pelajaran Narrative Text

Materi dan latihan





3. Passive Voice

Materi passive voice

Latihan Passive voice

Latihan soal passive voice:


A. Translate the sentences of passive voice into Indonesian. (Terjemahkan kalimat pasif berikut ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia)

1. His computer was stolen.

2. My room is cleaned by me every day.

3. The ball is kicked by her very hard.

4. My mother was called by me last night.

5. Two hamburgers were eaten by her at a time.

B. Ubahlah kalimat aktif berikut menjadi kalimat pasif:

1. Mrs. Rina speaks English everyday.

2. Agus is writing a book.

3. They play football every afternoon.

4. Cinderella cleaned the house diligently.

5. I am listening to music in my bedroom.

4. Report text

Materi report text

Vocabulary/ kosakata

Kosakata 2

Latihan  report text

Latihan report text 2

5. Advertisement

Materi pelajaran iklan

Latihan soal advertisement

Latihan advertisement 2

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