Tuesday 29 August 2023

Vocabularies of Congratulations

 Vocabulary/ kosakata terkait dengan materi congratulations dan wishes/hopes

1. congratulation = selamat

2. to congratulate = mengucapkan selamat

3. wedding = pernikahan

4. wish/hope = harapan/berharap

5. competition = contest = lomba

6. success = sukses/ keberhasilan

7.  the best = yang terbaik

8. poetry reading = pembacaan puisi

9. proud = bangga

10. graduation =kelulusan

11. champion = winner =juara

12. speech contest = lomba puisi

13. the first prize = juara pertama

14. the second winner= juara kedua

15. The third winner = juara ketiga

16. gold medal = medali emas

17. silver medal = medali perak

18. bronze medal = medali perunggu

19. pass the examination = lulus ujian

20. story telling competition= lomba mendongeng

You can also play the game spin wheel to remember the words above. Let's play the game. Good luck. Have a nice day.


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