Tuesday 8 November 2016

invitation and greeting cards

Hi assalamu'alaikum warohmatullohi wabarokatuh, good morning everyone!!! Nice to see you again. Now i want to write an examination for the students. it is about invitation and greeting cards. I hope it will be useful for you all.

Sekolah                 : MTs N Karanganyar
Kelas                     : VIII (Delapan)
Semester               : I (Gasal)
Tahun Pelajaran : 2016/2017

Read the text below to answer questions below by crossing A, B, C, or D!

The text for questions 1 to 2.

Awesome congratulations
To: Ahmad Fikri
For Being a bright and enthusiastic student in 1/2J. Your bright smile lights up our classroom every day. Great work this year Fikri.

1.       What is the text about?
A.      A letter from a teacher
B.      A student report
C.      A greeting card
D.      An email
2.        Joanne is Fikri’s
A.      mom.
B.      friend.
C.      headmaster.
D.      teacher.
The text is for questions no. 3 and 4.

3.        From the text we can say that the receiver have just …a new house
A.      sold
B.      built       
C.      bought
D.      moved into
4.        What is sender’s purpose for sending the card?
A.      To congratulate someone for moving into a new house
B.      To give warmth and happiness for someone’s house
C.      To invite someone to come to the new house
D.      To help someone to buy a new house

The text is for questions no. 5 and 6.

sumbergambar: funtasticEcards.com
5.        To whom the card is sent?
A.      Dad
B.      Mom
C.      Grandmother
D.      Grandfather

6.        When will you send this card to your mom?
A.      21st December     
B.      25th December
C.      24th December
D.      22nd December

The text is for questions 7 and 8.

7.       To whom will you send greeting card above?
A.      Someone will go abroad for holiday
B.      Some will join in a test
C.      Someone who get promotion
D.      Someone who hospitalized

8.        What is the purpose of the text?
A.      To give information
B.      To entertain the readers
C.      To congratulate someone on her/his achievement
D.      To greet someone who will face the examination

The text is for questions no. 9 and 10.
Dear Fachri,
When your name is called as the best student please step forward-for high five!
You are the best. Congratulations!

Uncle Farhan

9.       From the text we know that Fachri..
A.      get a medal for the best student
B.       is the best student at school
C.      graduates from high school
D.      got five for his test

10.     "...when your name is called as the best...."
     your refers to.....
A.      Fachri
B.      Uncle Farhan
C.      Student
D.      Uncle Fachri

The text is for questions no. 11 to 14.
Virginia Parker is turning 80, 
though it may seem absurd! 
We’re having a party, but don’t breathe a word!

Please join us for
a Surprise Birthday Party
Sunday, June 20th
2.00 pm
Deering Bay Estates Club House
13600 Old Cutler Road

RSVP by June 10th
To Danielle Stevens

11.    What kind of party is it?
A.      Wedding Party                         
B.      Birthday Party
C.      Wedding anniversary            
D.      New Year’s Eve Party
12.     When will the party be held?
A.      On the twenty seventh of June
B.      On the sixteenth of June
C.      On the twentieth of June      
D.      d. On the tenth of June
13.    Where will the party be held?
A.      At Deering Bay Estates Club House
B.      On Deering Bay Street
C.      At Danielle Stevens’ house  
D.      At Virginia house
14.    RSVP stands for ‘Respondez  S’il  Vous Plait which means …...
A.      Make sure you come             
B.      Please Reply
C.      I want you to come
D.      Don't forget
Text is for questions 15 to 17.
sumber gambar: partyinvitation.com
15.    What is the purposes of the text?
A.      To inform someone about Farewell Party
B.      To invite  someone to attend Farewell Party
C.      To forbid students to come to farewell party
D.      To remind someone to celebrate farewell party

16.    Where will the party be held?
A.      at Olivia's house
B.      at Sam's house
C.      at Marcia and John Smith's house
D.      at the park

17.    What does "Farewell" mean?
A.      say good bye
B.      say god night
C.      say good luck
D.      say good morning

The text is for questions 18 to 20.

18.    How old is Caleb?
A.      4 years old
B.      5 years old
C.      14 years old
D.      40 years old

19.     Who should we contact to make confirmation?
A.      Caleb
B.      Caleb's mother
C.      Caleb's sister
D.      Anne Marie

20.     When will the party be held?
A.      in the morning
B.      in the afternoon
C.      in the evening
D.      at  night

Adapted from any sources.


Tanda tangan orangtua




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